Source code for calamus.schema

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2020- Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Marshmallow schema implementation that supports JSON-LD."""

import inspect
import types
import typing
from import Mapping
from functools import lru_cache
from uuid import uuid4

from marshmallow import post_load
from marshmallow.error_store import ErrorStore
from marshmallow.schema import Schema, SchemaMeta, SchemaOpts
from marshmallow.utils import EXCLUDE, INCLUDE, RAISE, is_collection, missing, set_value
from pyld import jsonld

from calamus.utils import Proxy, normalize_id, normalize_type, validate_field_properties

_T = typing.TypeVar("_T")

[docs]def blank_node_id_strategy(ret, obj): """``id_generation_strategy`` that creates random blank node ids.""" return "_:{id}".format(id=uuid4().hex)
[docs]class JsonLDSchemaOpts(SchemaOpts): """Options class for `JsonLDSchema`. Adds the following options: - ``rdf_type``: The RDF type(s) for this schema. - ``model``: The python type this schema (de-)serializes. - ``add_value_types``: Whether to add ``@type`` information to scalar field values. - ``id_generation_strategy``: A callable(dict, obj) that generates an Id on the fly if none is set. With dict being the deserialized Json-LD dict and obj being the original object. """ def __init__(self, meta, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(meta, *args, **kwargs) self.rdf_type = getattr(meta, "rdf_type", None) self.inherit_parent_types = getattr(meta, "inherit_parent_types", True) if not isinstance(self.rdf_type, list): self.rdf_type = [self.rdf_type] if self.rdf_type else [] self.rdf_type = sorted(self.rdf_type) self.model = getattr(meta, "model", None) self.add_value_types = getattr(meta, "add_value_types", False) self.id_generation_strategy = getattr(meta, "id_generation_strategy", blank_node_id_strategy)
[docs]class JsonLDSchemaMeta(SchemaMeta): """Meta-class for a for a JsonLDSchema class.""" def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): klass = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if klass.opts.inherit_parent_types: # Include rdf_type of all parent schemas for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "opts"): rdf_type = getattr(base.opts, "rdf_type", []) if rdf_type: klass.opts.rdf_type.extend(rdf_type) if not getattr(base.opts, "inherit_parent_types", True): break klass.opts.rdf_type = sorted(set(klass.opts.rdf_type)) return klass
[docs]class JsonLDSchema(Schema, metaclass=JsonLDSchemaMeta): """Schema for a JsonLD class. Args: flattened (bool): If the JSON-LD should be loaded/dumped in flattened form lazy (bool): Enables lazy loading of nested attributes Example: .. code-block:: python from calamus import JsonLDSchema import calamus.fields as fields from mymodels import User schema = fields.Namespace("") class UserSchema(JsonLDSchema): class Meta: rdf_type = schema.Person model = User _id = fields.Id() birth_date = fields.Date(schema.birthDate) name = fields.String( """ OPTIONS_CLASS = JsonLDSchemaOpts def __init__( self, *args, only=None, exclude=(), many=False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial=False, unknown=None, flattened=False, lazy=False, _all_objects=None, _visited=None, _top_level=True, ): super().__init__( *args, only=only, exclude=exclude, many=many, context=context, load_only=load_only, dump_only=dump_only, partial=partial, unknown=unknown, ) self.flattened = flattened self.lazy = lazy self._top_level = _top_level self._all_objects = _all_objects if _visited is None: _visited = set() self._visited = _visited if all(not isinstance(self, v) for v in self._visited): self._visited.add(type(self)) self._reversed_properties = self._reversed_fields() else: self._reversed_properties = {} self._init_names_mapping = {} if not self.opts.rdf_type or not self.opts.model: raise ValueError("rdf_type and model have to be set on the Meta of schema {}".format(type(self))) def _serialize(self, obj: typing.Union[_T, typing.Iterable[_T]], *, many: bool = False): """Serialize ``obj`` to jsonld.""" if many and obj is not None: return [self._serialize(d, many=False) for d in typing.cast(typing.Iterable[_T], obj)] if isinstance(obj, Proxy): proxy_schema = obj.__proxy_schema__ if ( not obj.__proxy_initialized__ and isinstance(proxy_schema, type(self)) and proxy_schema.flattened == self.flattened ): # if proxy was not accessed and we use the same schema, return original data return obj.__proxy_original_data__ # resolve Proxy object obj = obj.__wrapped__ ret = self.dict_class() for attr_name, field_obj in self.dump_fields.items(): value = field_obj.serialize(attr_name, obj, accessor=self.get_attribute) if value is missing: continue key = field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else attr_name reverse = getattr(field_obj, "reverse", False) if reverse: if "@reverse" not in ret: ret["@reverse"] = self.dict_class() ret["@reverse"][key] = value else: ret[key] = value if "@id" not in ret or not ret["@id"]: ret["@id"] = self.opts.id_generation_strategy(ret, obj) # add type rdf_type = self.opts.rdf_type if not rdf_type: raise ValueError("No class type specified for schema") ret["@type"] = normalize_type(rdf_type) if self.flattened and self._top_level: ret = jsonld.flatten(ret) return ret def _compare_ids(self, first, second): """Compare if two ids or lists of ids match.""" first = set(normalize_id(first)) second = set(normalize_id(second)) return first & second == first | second def _deserialize( self, data: typing.Union[ typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]], ], *args, error_store: ErrorStore, many: bool = False, partial=False, unknown=RAISE, index=None, ) -> typing.Union[_T, typing.List[_T]]: index_errors = self.opts.index_errors index = index if index_errors else None if self.flattened and is_collection(data) and not self._all_objects: self._all_objects = {} new_data = [] for d in data: self._all_objects[d["@id"]] = d if "@type" in d and self._compare_ids(d["@type"], self.opts.rdf_type): new_data.append(d) data = new_data if len(data) == 1: data = data[0] if many: if not is_collection(data): error_store.store_error([self.error_messages["type"]], index=index) ret = [] # type: typing.List[_T] else: ret = [ typing.cast( _T, self._deserialize( typing.cast(typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], d), error_store=error_store, many=False, partial=partial, unknown=unknown, index=idx, ), ) for idx, d in enumerate(data) ] return ret ret = self.dict_class() # Check data is a dict if not isinstance(data, Mapping): error_store.store_error([self.error_messages["type"]], index=index) else: if data.get("@context", None): # we got compacted jsonld, expand it data = jsonld.expand(data) if isinstance(data, list): data = data[0] partial_is_collection = is_collection(partial) for attr_name, field_obj in self.load_fields.items(): field_name = field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else attr_name if getattr(field_obj, "reverse", False): raw_value = data.get("@reverse", missing) if raw_value is not missing: raw_value = raw_value.get(field_name, missing) elif self.flattened: # find an object that refers to this one with the same property raw_value = self.get_reverse_links(data, field_name) if not raw_value: raw_value = missing else: raw_value = data.get(field_name, missing) if raw_value is missing: # Ignore missing field if we're allowed to. if partial is True or (partial_is_collection and attr_name in partial): continue d_kwargs = {} # Allow partial loading of nested schemes. if partial_is_collection: prefix = field_name + "." len_prefix = len(prefix) sub_partial = [f[len_prefix:] for f in partial if f.startswith(prefix)] d_kwargs["partial"] = sub_partial else: d_kwargs["partial"] = partial d_kwargs["_all_objects"] = self._all_objects d_kwargs["flattened"] = self.flattened d_kwargs["lazy"] = self.lazy getter = lambda val: field_obj.deserialize(val, field_name, data, **d_kwargs) value = self._call_and_store( getter_func=getter, data=raw_value, field_name=field_name, error_store=error_store, index=index, ) if value is not missing: key = field_obj.attribute or attr_name set_value(typing.cast(typing.Dict, ret), key, value) if unknown != EXCLUDE: fields = { field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else field_name for field_name, field_obj in self.load_fields.items() } for key in set(data) - fields: if key in ["@type", "@reverse"]: # ignore JsonLD meta fields continue # ignore property if it's reversed and used elsewhere, for flattened case if key in self._reversed_properties and any( isinstance(self, s) for s in self._reversed_properties[key] ): continue if key == "@id" and self.opts.id_generation_strategy: # automatically generated ids don't need to be serialized continue value = data[key] if unknown == INCLUDE: set_value(typing.cast(typing.Dict, ret), key, value) elif unknown == RAISE: error_store.store_error( [self.error_messages["unknown"]], key, (index if index_errors else None), ) self._init_names_mapping = { field_name: field_obj.init_name for field_name, field_obj in self.load_fields.items() if field_obj.init_name } return ret
[docs] def validate_properties(self, data, ontology, return_valid_data=False, strict=False): """Validate JSON-LD against an ontology. Args: data (Union[object, dict, list]): JSON-LD data or model (or list of them). ontology (str): Path/URI to an ontology file. return_valid_data (bool): Whether to delete invalid properties to return only valid data or else returns a dict containing valid and invalid properties, Default: ``False`` """ from rdflib.graph import Graph from rdflib.plugins.sparql import prepareQuery if isinstance(data, self.Meta.model) or all(isinstance(s, self.Meta.model) for s in data): data = self.dump(data) g = Graph() if not isinstance(ontology, list): ontology = [ontology] for o in ontology: g.parse(o) # NOTE: the query checks if the property we are passing is a property defined in the ontology q = prepareQuery( "ask { { ?property rdf:type <> .} UNION { ?property rdf:type " "<> .} }" ) if self.many: i = 0 # NOTE: res helps with memoization and is also the return value if return_valid_data is False res = {"valid": set(), "invalid": set()} valdata = [] for obj in data: fres = validate_field_properties(obj, g, query=q, mem=res) res["valid"] = res["valid"].union(fres["valid"]) res["invalid"] = res["invalid"].union(fres["invalid"]) if return_valid_data: resf = obj.copy() valdata.append(resf) for inval in fres["invalid"]: valdata[i].pop(inval, None) i += 1 if strict and res["invalid"]: invalid_props = ", ".join(res["invalid"]) raise ValueError(f"Invalid properties found in ontology: {invalid_props}") if return_valid_data: return valdata return res res = validate_field_properties(data, g, query=q) if strict and res["invalid"]: invalid_props = ", ".join(res["invalid"]) raise ValueError(f"Invalid properties found in ontology: {invalid_props}") if return_valid_data: resd = data.copy() for inv in res["invalid"]: resd.pop(inv, None) return resd return res
def _reversed_fields(self): """Get fields that are reversed in type hierarchy.""" if hasattr(self, "_reversed_properties"): return self._reversed_properties fields = {} for _, field_obj in self.load_fields.items(): for k, v in field_obj._reversed_fields().items(): if k not in fields: fields[k] = set() fields[k].update(v) return fields
[docs] @post_load def make_instance(self, data, **kwargs): """Transform loaded dict into corresponding object.""" for old_key, new_key in self._init_names_mapping.items(): if new_key in data: raise ValueError("Initialization name {} for {} is already in data {}".format(new_key, old_key, data)) data[new_key] = data.pop(old_key, None) const_args = inspect.signature(self.opts.model) keys = set(data.keys()) args = [] kwargs = {} has_kwargs = False for _, parameter in const_args.parameters.items(): if parameter.kind is inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY: # NOTE: To avoid potential errors we require positional-only arguments to always be present in data. if not in keys: raise ValueError("Field {} not found in data {}".format(, data)) args.append(data[]) keys.remove( elif parameter.kind in [inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY]: if not in keys: if parameter.default is inspect.Parameter.empty: raise ValueError("Field {} not found in data {}".format(, data)) else: kwargs[] = data[] keys.remove( elif parameter.kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: has_kwargs = True missing_data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in keys} if has_kwargs: instance = self.opts.model(*args, **kwargs, **missing_data) else: instance = self.opts.model(*args, **kwargs) unset_data = {} for key, value in missing_data.items(): if hasattr(instance, key): if not getattr(instance, key): setattr(instance, key, value) else: unset_data[key] = value if unset_data: raise ValueError( "The following fields were not found on class {}:\n\t{}".format( self.opts.model, "\n\t".join(unset_data.keys()) ) ) return instance
[docs]class JsonLDAnnotation(type): """Meta-class allowing automated generation of calamus schema based on annotations. Example: .. code-block:: python import datetime.datetime as dt from calamus import JsonLDAnnotation import calamus.fields as fields schema = fields.Namespace("") class User(metaclass=JsonLDAnnotation): class Meta: rdf_type = schema.Person _id = fields.Id() birth_date = fields.Date(schema.birthDate, name = fields.String(, load_default=lambda: "John") user = User() # dumping User.schema().dump(user) # or user.dump() # loading u = User.schema().load({"_id": "", "name": "Bill", "birth_date": "1970-01-01 00:00"}) """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): import calamus.fields as fields base_schemas = (JsonLDSchema,) if bases: potential_base_schemas = [ base.__calamus_schema__ for base in bases if hasattr(base, "__calamus_schema__") and issubclass(base.__calamus_schema__, JsonLDSchema) ] if potential_base_schemas: base_schemas = tuple(potential_base_schemas) # Copy fields to schema attribute_dict = {} for attr_name, value in namespace.copy().items(): if isinstance(value, fields._JsonLDField): attribute_dict[attr_name] = value if hasattr(value, "load_default"): if callable(value.load_default): namespace[attr_name] = value.load_default() else: namespace[attr_name] = value.load_default else: del namespace[attr_name] if "Meta" not in namespace or not hasattr(namespace["Meta"], "rdf_type"): raise ValueError("Setting 'rdf_type' on the `class Meta` is required for calamus annotations") # Copy `Meta` fields to schema hook_dict = {} meta_attr_dict = {} for attr_name, value in namespace["Meta"].__dict__.items(): if hasattr(value, "__marshmallow_hook__"): hook_dict[attr_name] = value elif not attr_name.startswith("_"): meta_attr_dict[attr_name] = value attribute_dict["Meta"] = type("Meta", (), meta_attr_dict) namespace["__calamus_schema__"] = type(f"{name}Schema", base_schemas, attribute_dict) @lru_cache(maxsize=5) def schema(*args, **kwargs): """Convenience method to access calamus schema of a class.""" return namespace["__calamus_schema__"](*args, **kwargs) namespace[schema.__name__] = schema # copy over and patch marshmallow hooks for name, hook in hook_dict.items(): if getattr(hook, "__closure__", None) is None: setattr(namespace["__calamus_schema__"], name, hook) else: hook_with_closure = _patch_function_closure_with_class( hook, namespace["Meta"], namespace["__calamus_schema__"] ) setattr(namespace["__calamus_schema__"], name, hook_with_closure) def dump(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convenience method to dump object directly.""" return type(self).schema(*args, **kwargs).dump(self) namespace[dump.__name__] = dump cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) namespace["__calamus_schema__"].Meta.model = cls namespace["__calamus_schema__"].opts.model = cls return cls
def _patch_function_closure_with_class(func, old_cls, cls): """Patches a functions closure over to a new class. Needed to fix `super()` being a closure and copying hooks. `super()` creates a closure over the parent class of a method when instantiating we need to replace that closure to point to the new type see . """ def make_class_closure(__class__): """Get `cell` for `super`.""" return (lambda: super).__closure__[0] def make_cell(value): """Wrap `value` into a `cell`.""" return (lambda: value).__closure__[0] func_with_closure = func if getattr(func, "__closure__", None) is not None: # patch class in __closure__ recursively new_closure = [] for cell in func.__closure__: if cell.cell_contents == old_cls: new_closure.append(make_class_closure(cls)) elif isinstance(cell.cell_contents, types.FunctionType): new_closure.append(make_cell(_patch_function_closure_with_class(cell.cell_contents, old_cls, cls))) else: new_closure.append(cell) new_closure = tuple(new_closure) func_with_closure = types.FunctionType( func.__code__, func.__globals__, func.__name__, func.__defaults__, closure=new_closure, ) # copy over additional attributes that might be on the function for attr_name, value in func.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType): value = _patch_function_closure_with_class(value, old_cls, cls) setattr(func_with_closure, attr_name, value) return func_with_closure